Saturday, July 6, 2024

Marky Mark


-I once saw a fictional magazine photo of rapper / actor / underpants model 'Marky Mark' Wahlberg

-he was standing on a stage. He had fictional leg HAIRS / HEIRS. Long, black and far spaced

-MARKY MARK- I fathered TWO children on Linc Staff Member HUIA 'HUIA'. Mark and older sister

-MARKY MARK- I fathered LINC related men. Danny, Noko, Dewald, Mark, Ricky, Russ and Ben

-MARKY MARK- I fathered Tauranga Boys College students. Their Latin motto PERGO et PERAGO. All the students that were in the year 20 /22. Half by sex half my sperm dropped in their mothers

-MARKY MARK- MIRACLE and ADVENTURES. PERGO et PERAGO. Super-heroes POWERS and MIRACLES. Maybe all of them splits of them come out in space and they can fight crime. And in those splits do miracles

-maybe the Tauranga Boys College students are splits as super-heroes but can't do miracles

-Danny- slightly tall, large muscles dark brown or black hair

-Noko- the right height, Polynesian, largish muscles

-Ricky- slightly tall, dark brown hair

-Russ- the right height, dark brown hair, muscular

-Ben- the right height, muscular, long slightly scruffy blonde hair

-Dewald- the right height, from Africa, looks like actor Jack P. Shepherd

-Mark- the right height, black, muscular

-all of them for all or most of these things. Mentally unwell. Muscular. Have had successes in things. Likeable. Attractive. Interesting personalities  

-in the photo Wahlberg was standing on a Stage. By the Historic Village where a number of them have done programs for the Mentally unwell. There is Tauranga Musical Theatre

-maybe the 7 listed go on to get Record Contracts. Wahlberg was on a Stage so there is a good chance of it 

-maybe for Tauranga Boys College and the Linc sons. To make the powers work is done like I previously thought. They must go naked all the time in their splits. And generate this by having sex with females and maybe males getting them pregnant. Then I thought of Tauranga Boys College Latin motto PERGO et PARAGO as in PARENT and PARENT. And their emblem a NAKED man holding a white disc

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

My Son is Satan Stan Lee

  -the night about 1997 I tried to run away thinking God said Get out

-maybe meant to mean God saying Get out of Heaven to the first Satan

-my mind rigged it. Even maybe causing stars to think they are trying to ruin my life

-all I took was a clone Superboy Trading Card for an unknown reason

-my son I tried to set up to go as a mid-teens DC Comics WW2 super-heroes world by Posting a scanned story

-and said they turned on him harassing him and ruining him

-maybe he was never a second Satan

-I somehow walked all the way downtown over the Bridge to the next town

-across the Harbor was SULPER Point. As in SUPERBOY and Hell

-I left the SUPERBOY TRADING Card in the ticket slot. He made a bad mistake gaining powers going to their world wanting to be Superboy

-I took a COMIC Trading Card. Like Stan Lee worked as a comic book writer

-yesterday for me I got the last TRADE Me comic I will get. Amazing Spider-Man 87 from 1970 I paid $128 for. Peter Parker on the cover saying My secret identity is out. Above the characters like a large phantom version of Peter Parker

-in 1978 in Class a student Issac 'Basherra' had a comic Super Friends 14. Basherra reminded me of a story character. Like in Bill Crosby and the Crosby Kids cartoon series. On the first page there was Bruce Wayne sitting at a table. Above him was like a symbolic ghost like Batman. Fitting in with the Spider-Man cover. The teacher might have been named Ms. Chapel

-I said those stories aren't true meaning the series wasn't meant to be part of the regular stories. He said NONE OF THEM ARE REAL. Maybe meaning there is no real truth to Christianity

-I crossed the Bridge and left the comic Trading Card. Maybe giving this version of Satan his powers

-the TRADING Card. The collapse brought by paranoia generated of super-heroes. Was him wrecking the TRADING of their world's companies

-meaning he ruined the world and lives of the WW2 super-heroes

-I went down one Street too soon over the Bridg and hide in a Dock of TREE TRUNKS. My magic setting it up to resemble the FICTIONAL long black hairs of Mark Wahlberg. In a MAGAZINE. To tell me I am safe from them

-I continued down to the base of the mountain Mauao. I threw my CALCULATOR watch over the Pier of Pilot Bay. He ruins their markets to get back while they always knew he would

-I tried running up the Road to the POLICE Station. But couldn't run far. Over the first several months of 1985 I had continuing daydream life. I was a super hero called Champion. With super-speed powers. And I had gone to the super-heroes Earth. Like maybe my son did. As Champion I had a costume like a WW2 Nazi Stormtrooper. It seems unlikely there could be an Adolf Hitler figure the super-heroes might fight. The young man from our Earth. Causing the collapse and ruin of their world. Is like the real villain of DC Comics 1930s to 1950s WW2 super-heroes. Like Hitler

-at morning I was at the Marine Parade by the Surf Beach. My son might become another Satan

-really STAN (SATAN) Lee / LIEBER / LUCIFER. Up the Road from where I was in 1979 I was with a School friend CHRIS PILDITCH and his mother. CHRIST DITCH PUBLICATIONS. By where LEISURE Island / LUCIFER / LIEBER was once. MARINE PARADE as in MARVEL PERIODICALS

-I went when it opened to the Mount Library to call my Staff to come and pick me up. LIBRARY / LUCIFER

-a female Librarian was reading to young children. I burst in to tears

-I rang my Support Home. The Manager John Henderson said I would need to call a Taxi. I thought that might have been tough

-I took the Taxi all the way back to Tauranga. I don't know how I paid for it unless the Support Home staff did

-what makes this more likely. I walked all the way to my down town. Over the Bridge and to the next town. And then right in to that. When now I might not be able to walk a block

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Are You Wendy the Good Little Witch?

 -I am the father of one of each of my non-identical twins the Heyworths' children

-I had a dream I was in bed with comics creator Rob Liefeld. Like the above statement. In the dream the Anti-Christ looked like him

-months later I had a dream I was in bed with the Heyworths on each side of me. I wanted to get pregnant with their child

-about 1978 I had a dream I was in my grandparents' garage in LEBANON Street. They can't be LIBERATED from their marriages

-the Street was on the border of Tauranga

-in the dream there was a tall, good looking witch. Long red hair and a long red dress in our garage

-I asked her Are you Wendy the Good Little Witch?

-the slogan of a Harvey Comics character

-I had two equal comparison dreams. Representing two females. One in a Grease live program on TV. The actress got her FOOT jammed in her boot. She tried to get it out and kept trying on live TV. No one came to help her. Later in a Hospital Room she would always have terrible foot pain

-the Heyworths might be damned. And might get scorpion sores on their feet. LEBANON as in MADONNA

-Wendy maybe representing Glinda of Oz and the ruby shoes

-the comparison dream. A man and company just like WALT Disney named WORLD. He had a daughter. Looking flirty like in the RICK ASTLEY video. She was tall, beautiful with very long straight blonde hair. She was getting changed at the front of the audience. Her dress was long blue with slits up the side. Like Heyden Heyworth's wife came in our Ward Room. The most attractive woman I had seen. The Nurse said You didn't bring your baby daughter. The right height with long dark brown hair with slits in them. The woman's dress fell off her. The Australian audience jeered. The mother there looking like the mother in the first HOME ALONE video grinned looking fake like keeping appearances. I could tell it was the beginning of the fall of World and his company

-maybe the Heyworths owning Disney and Harvey along with Greyson Milewski wreck their companies

-the dream of the Witch like Peter Parker saying My career as Spider-Man is OVER

-our address at 6 Lebanon Street. Instead of a grass sloping section at the front. My grandparents relandscaped it to be a few stages of levels. Like the Harvey Comics logo  Jack in the Box. And on the first floor of the home. A small apartment with it's own bathroom and kitchen. And open area for bedroom, lounge etc The stages of the section like the Tauranga Boys College lunch area with rising high concrete steps / seating. The self-contained apartment the large wall by it with the large painting of the face like Walt Disney

-my two sons the Heyworths each have an arm tattoo. One of three small lightning bolts the other of a Beast's head. Maybe they are like 666

-WENDY as in W. DISNEY. GOOD LITTLE as I Harvey Comics

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Scarlet Avenger

 -in 1984 me and my friend ANTHONY HAYES / ANTI PITCHFORK on a late Friday afternoon would bike to downtown

-once we were biking around ROBBINS Park in the dark by town and by the POLICE Station

-I left in a CANNON rolled up a Batman comic

-Batman and Robin

-it was the only ever comic I had with the villain Cat-Man in. When I came back it was gone

-Cat-Man the MASCULINE of Catwoman

-Catwoman a cat burglar. Her real name Selina KYLE. Like the super hero splits coming out of me looking like actor KYLE Lowder. As in cannon LOADER / LOWDER. Cannon as in Catwoman

-years later about 1991 I was sitting alone in Robbins Park. About 15 Cops came out each with a BATON / CANNON

-and sat in a row facing me

-my Batman comic was stolen. Like Catwoman is a cat burglar

-another super hero split that might come out of me looking like comics creator ROB Liefeld

-ROB Liefeld and the Cat BURGLAR

-ROBIN is DICK Gray SON. Like the shape of the cannons and batons

-he was meant to be highly gregarious 

-when I was very young I once saw in my grandparents' lounge a book of Rhymes. It was large, hard cover, old and slightly sinister looking. I don't know why they would have it. So maybe it was placed there

-it had the rhyme Who Shot Cock Robin?

-shot like the cannon. Cock and Robbing

-then the rhyme continued with the lines Not I said the. Not I said the. Not I said the 

-about 1978 my grandparents took me to the half way point of New Zealand to visit my mother

-she bought me some comics. One had black and white reprints of horror stories. There was a panel. The Police were bursting through the bedroom door of a man saying Get up. He was tall, fawn hair and chest hair, lying in bed naked under a sheet

-like I father as many children as I can

-the man looked like a High School student years older than me that I would not see for years later. Named BRENDAN KILMISTER. BRENDAN / IRANIAN. KILMISTER / KILL the MISTER in me. KILMISTER / KILL the MEMORY in all involved after

-it was about 1983 my friends were playing HANDBALL with a TENNIS BALL at our High School. Brendan Kilmister walked past. The ball hit his black leather jacket and his hand flicked it off

-I made a joke. A friend Brent Legatt said You can't grow a ball. You're just trying to be like Paul LONGLEY. The maybe edited bully character in comics like Archie about me then. And likely a channel over space. Paul 'LONELY' like saying I never have a real partner or friends

-the Police bursting through the bedroom door. I had a list of points that I fathered a lot of local Police's children. Connected to ROBBINS Park by the Police Station. 'You can't grow a ball'. The Batman comic I left in a cannon in that Park. The only comic I ever had with Cat-Man in it


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Wrap it Up

-on a GEOGRAPHY Camp to New Zealand's biggest city about 1987

-I was standing in the showers room. Standing directly facing me was a student named Micheal Fitzgerald

-he looked slightly like DICK GRAYSON. Slightly tall, dark tan, but with dark brown hair. DICK SON

-in comics Dick Grayson is the one the women and some males go for

-he was facing me directly. His GROIN area still getting tanned

-like me from some time in my life telling me to try this

-in the Lounge / Dining Room on that trip. The student Paul Cameron was wearing only a white towel around his waist. He had a long black string neckless on with maybe some kind of New Zealand Greenstone at the end of it

-a white towel around him like Fitzgerald was on the same Camp in the showers

-Paul Cameron the year before had been Head Boy. He was short, dark brown hair and dark brown hair all over his chest and arms and legs

-he looks like the character from comics I might be in some way when very young



-CAMERON my miracle power comes from my GARDEN

-with him wearing the Greenstone neckless it might be me too from some time. Telling me to make the New Zealand Gods and Legends real

-like MAUI pulled the North Island of New Zealand like fishing. Like the long black cord neckless

-on that same trip we were given some time off in downtown Auckland. I wound up at the bottom of the main Road Queen Street. There by the water was a square. There was a stand alone small newsstand / magazine shop

-inside there were a few of First Comics 'Oz' Graphic Novels. In Oz the boy Tip finds out he was really born the Princess Ozma. And has to go back to being a girl

-I am what I saw in the showers. I am DICK Gray SON. Wanted by the women and some men. The groin area still getting tanned. In my last bed mattress I had a fist like dip in it. I might be DICK GRAY SON. Father of GREYSON Milewski. And son of CHARLES. Maybe too the father of Harry. Charles studied at Timbertop, Geelong Australia just almost the time I was conceived. He is my mother's age

-the magazine photo I imagined the fictional leg hair of star Mark Wahlberg. Who modelled UNDERWEAR. The bookstore was down the hill a block from where I reached out and shook Charles's hand. And Diana was down the Street. At the opening of Baycourt Theatre

Sunday, April 21, 2024

All my Children

 -I might be the father of all my High School friends' children from 1984 that were in the Archie Comics style comics line about me called maybe Windsor High

-all in pairs

-most living in the same paired Streets

-Anthony Hayes / me Matthew Ager 

-Paul Longley / Steven Chambers

-Kerry Lockheart / David Eaton

-Stephen Richardson / Brent Legatt

-I use this to try to make this work

-me in 1989 in a Mile HIGH new comics catalog

-maybe seeing a page. A black and white picture. A comic character looking like DC Comics Archie style comics character Binky BIGram

-he was tall, attractive and dark brown hair

-he was lying maybe naked in bed under a sheet. Feet poking out the end

-I never saw this character elsewhere

-there was a woman in the page called Yours Faithfully or Yours Truely

-she looked like Blondie

-tallish, long blonde hair and slightly cheap looking

-also in the page was a female character called The Witch

-only one off sex each time. And at the end of it all memory removed

-Mile HIGH Comics catalog and GeeLONG. Binky BIGram. Like Paul LONGley would have been the bully character in the Windsor High / Otumoetai College comics line

-in the 1990s I would watch the nightly US TV News Show Hard Copy. The Presenter once read the fictional headline-'actor ANDREW SHUE's wife Elizabeth Shue left him for actor Val KILMER'

-Andrew and Elizabeth are brother and sister and both actors'

-what it might stand for is

-ANDREW SHUE the characters of Archie ANDREWS style comic line ANDREW / WINDSOR High

-their wives left them and had one off sex with me over and over



-as in I will KILL the MISTER in them

-and I KILLED the MESSIAH. I am right there never was any truth to the Bible. Except already historic figures

-I am like the HARD COPY of God. I do KILMER MIRACLES

-about 1982 my neighbor, BORN on the same date a year earlier and in my year at High School Steven Chambers. In my grandparents' Games Room. In an EXTENDED CUPBOARD hanging over the staircase. Like 'Binky's' feet poking out the ends of the sheets. Chambers for a moment lay on me both of us dressed. On the wall outside the cupboard was a tablecloth pinned up. 'Christ Church Common Wealth Games'


Marky Mark

-MARKY MARK WAHLBERG -I once saw a fictional magazine photo of rapper / actor / underpants model 'Marky Mark' Wahlberg -he was stand...